Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! The Lord is risen!!!

We keep it pretty low-key here. I don't do an easter basket for D, or anything super special, but we do talk about the resurrection and life of Jesus. He also had an easter egg hunt at school on friday and we did Spring Fest yesterday.

Today we went over to my grandma's for lunch. My cousin and his wife came over too, so we ended up at the park afterward to play Bocce. My brother and I were WAY ahead til the last minute when they made a startling comeback and beat us...BLAH.

This morning, after a light breakfast, D told me he had to go poop (we're stilllll potty training since he regressed late last year.) and he's showing off his candy from having told me and going.

Silly uncle Chris playin on the slide

That cute boy!

He jumped off the edge, so proud of himself!

My cousin asking him if he's gonna

Debating jumping again...that was a high part of the wall!

The Bocce balls

Getting ready

D looking on as one of us throws...he's holding the ball for me

What a good throw!

D and uncle Chris cheering me

Way to go, Erin!

1 comment:

Dawn Endres said...

How Fun!

I'm glad you had a great Easter!